How ERP Systems Can Improve Employee Satisfaction and Boost Workplace Morale

Failing to keep your employees engaged can have costly consequences for your business. Here, we consider how ERP systems can boost workplace satisfaction.

Keeping your employees satisfied and motivated in their role is one of the biggest challenges as a business manager, but it is also one of the most crucial. Many businesses focus so heavily on perfecting their customer experience that they neglect to consider the happiness and wellbeing of their employees. Yet, doing so will inevitably hurt your company retention rate and cause productivity levels to slump. What’s more, high employee turnover can harm your business financially, with the average cost of replacing a member of staff in the UK exceeding £30,000 UK Sterling.

But, what does ERP system implementation have to do with employee satisfaction? How can intelligent business software, such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain Management (D365 F&SCM), help to boost productivity rates and create a better working environment? Let’s take a closer look.

How Using ERP Systems Can Improve Workplace Satisfaction

They Automate Manual, Laborious Tasks

Never underestimate the negative effects of boredom on your workforce! Unfulfilled employees simply won’t work to their full potential, which will have clear effects on their productivity rates and the overall success of your business. In fact, boredom could be costing US businesses up to $550 billion dollars annually.

Here’s where ERP system implementation can save the day. With modules and functionalities designed for the sole purpose of automating manual processes (such as data inputting and bookkeeping), you can free up time for your workforce to focus on more intuitive and creatively driven projects.

As a result, you’ll find that your employees have more time to dedicate to the exciting aspects of their role – rather than feeling stifled by spreadsheets!

They Promote Efficiency Without the Risk of Human Error

Every business strives for operational efficiency, and employee productivity is often touted as the golden ticket for this time and money-saving objective. Yet, for many managers, achieving this means putting undue pressure on their employees to speed up their workflow, often without extra remuneration. Unsurprisingly, this approach regularly creates a hostile work environment and stress-induced employee mistakes.

By automating manual tasks and standardising workflows across teams, departments and branches, all from one centralised database, ERP solutions can help your employees maximise performance without bearing the brunt of the work themselves. Commercial efficiency is just an ERP implementation away!

They Offer More Flexibility in the Workplace

Your business model must evolve if it’s to keep employees engaged, and this means adapting to the emerging demand for flexible working. Encouraging your workforce to create a healthier work-life balance is crucial to long-term satisfaction, and the ability to work from home is a vital part of this.

Once again, we can thank professionally implemented ERP systems for offering an effective solution to this unfolding trend. With cloud-hosted enterprise resource planning software, your business can make company data accessible from any desired location and allow your employees to enjoy the many benefits of remote working.

With a cloud ERP, your employees will simply need to open and log into the system in their web browser to be able to work as efficiently as they would from the office – without facing a long and arduous commute!

Harness the Power of Successful ERP Solutions from ICS

No matter your commercial objectives, the Microsoft-certified developers and ERP consultants at ICS are here to help. Specialising in the implementation and customisation of Microsoft Dynamics AX and D365 F&SCM solutions, we’re proud to help clients achieve the highest quality results with the greatest return on investment.

To find out more about our MS Dynamics ERP system implementation services, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.